In-depth understanding of materials

Effective material usage requires a solid understanding of those materials

What opportunities are there for using fiber reinforced plastics or adhesives? Can a bonded joint withstand the relevant loads? How do I correctly process fiber reinforced plastics? These and other such questions can only be answered by trained employees. Frequently, however, these topics are only poorly addressed by companies. The fact that adhesive bonding is frequently the only joining technique that fully retains the material properties or that fiber reinforced plastics can take on the role of steel is often unknown to even senior employees in industry. Fraunhofer IFAM aims to raise the awareness of these topics in companies and demonstrate the benefits of these technologies. Importantly, only qualified employees can produce the quality laid down by DIN EN ISO 9001 for "special processes".


Courses teach problem-solving expertise

The various courses are held at either Fraunhofer IFAM or "in house" on company premises (Fraunhofer IFAM can even supply the necessary testing machines). The courses provide participants with in-depth training and problem-solving expertise. This gives companies the assurance, for example, that quality bonded joints are produced and that damage to fiber composite components can be expertly repaired. With training by Fraunhofer IFAM, the various sectors of industry have the opportunity to consolidate and extend their usage of adhesive bonding technology and fiber composite technology and so pave the way for lasting industrial success.