European Adhesive Specialist Online (Blended Learning)


120-hour course for industrial supervisors of adhesive bonding work

Image European Adhesive Engineer Online
© Fraunhofer IFAM

Training courses with digital learning elements are increasingly in demand. Against this background, the Adhesive Bonding Technology Training Center of Fraunhofer IFAM is expanding its portfolio with the DVS®/EWF European Adhesive Specialist qualifications in an online format with a classroom phase (blended learning). Contents and final certificates correspond to formerly face-to-face courses.

With this new concept, the theoretical content is mainly taught online. This enables you to work on the topics during the entire course without time pressure, whenever and wherever and as often as you wish. You will be supported by the possibility to discuss questions with the trainers or other course participants during weekly video conferences as well as by self-executed learning checks and further learning materials.


Course dates / Booking

Detailed information

Online + Bremen (GERMANY)



This course is also offered (either as face-to-face or blended learning variant)  by the following of our international co-operation partners:

Shanghai Yifa Bonding Training Center (China)

YIFA Institute of New Materials (China)

AESB (Japan)

Lijmacademie B.V. (Netherlands)

Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Spawalnictwa (Poland)

General Adhesivos / Bodo Möller Chemie (Spain)

Kiwa Belgelendirme Hizmetleri A.Ş (Turkey)

ChemQuest Technology Institute (USA)


For courses in German language please visit our Klebfachkraft Online webpage.

Figure 1: Adhesive Bonding Specialist online format with attendance phase (Blended Learning)


A technique check is offered before the start of the course to check that the hardware and software are working properly. All you need to participate in the course is browser access.

The course itself starts with a kick-off video conference for all participants (see figure 1). This will allow you to get to know the other participants and the trainers. In addition, the learning platform and its functions are explained.

The subsequent online phase comprises three theory units, each with a duration of approx. 25 hours. The detailed course contents can be viewed here: Adhesive specialist course contents (PDF).

For each of these three online units, you have the opportunity to view the learning content via our learning platform or download and work through it offline. The content is conveyed through short videos, presentations and animations. To support your learning success, flashcards, interactive learning checks and exercises are available for you to work on in small groups or alone.

In addition, you will meet with the trainers and your course group at mandatory online video conferences  (see in figure 1) to talk about previously defined course topics to be worked through, to discuss questions and to further consolidate the knowledge you have acquired. However, should anything be unclear or in need of explanation beforehand or »in between«, the trainers are of course also available for questions.

Following the online phase, the five-day attendance phase including the practical, written and oral examinations takes place at Fraunhofer IFAM. Here, further topics are presented so that all the contents of the DVS®/EWF Adhesive Bonding Specialist course are covered. Likewise, all practical exercises are now carried out and linked to the theory. You will be optimally prepared for the upcoming examinations through repetition units. After successfully passing the exams, you will receive the internationally recognised DVS®/EWF certificates.


Online phase (e-learning in three units)

  • Interactive learning on computer, tablet, smartphone or offline
  • Regular video conferences between course group and trainers
  • Support through e.g. virtual flashcards and interactive learning checks 
  • Learning without time pressure: individual and independent of location

Attendance  phase

  • Receipt of the course documents for the entire European Adhesive Specialist course
  • Refreshing, intensifying and completing the theory part
  • Practical exercises and exam preparation
  • Taking the practical and theoretical exams (written/oral)

1. Technical check


2. Online phase (e-learning / 3 theory units of 25 hours each)

  • Kick-off
  • Independent work through the theoretical content, supported by quizzes, exercises and regular, mandatory video conferences


3. Attendance phase (5 days)

  • Receipt of the course documents for the entire adhesive specialist course
  • Presentation of further topics
  • Carrying out the practical exercises
  • Exam preparation
  • Taking the examinations
  • Presentation of the DVS®/EWF certificates

Participants must have a personal e-mail address and access to the Internet.