3 questions for... Lolita Grunska on the diversity of the continuing education programme at Fraunhofer IFAM

Lolita Grunska has been a consultant at Fraunhofer IFAM in the "Training Center for Adhesive Bonding Technology" department since 2013. Among other things, she is the project manager for the EAB and EAS refresher courses and is also responsible for working on industrial projects, providing technical advice to companies and helping to promote young talent.  


Ms Grunska, your department organizes a wide range of Workforce training courses in adhesive bonding technology, often at the Bremen site. Recently, however, a training program was also held at SLV Nord in Hamburg and at the Nürburgring in October. How does this variety of locations help to enrich the training experience for participants and what advantages does this offer for the further development of adhesive bonding technology?

By offering courses at different locations, we enable participants to travel shorter distances. This means that many participants do not have to go on a long business trip and can stay overnight in their familiar private surroundings. The well-being of the participants is a decisive factor in learning the bonding technology content. Of course, the training program have particularly great advantages abroad, where we can use local trainers to convey the sometimes complex contexts in the native language on site and thus achieve a higher quality of knowledge transfer.

How can such collaborations expand expertise in adhesive bonding technology and what added value do they offer?

Co-operations bring us closer to potential customers. For many companies, this means a much lower hurdle to making contact or finding out about our services on site. Of course, this is a great advantage for our customers, especially abroad.

How do you ensure that the high quality of training is maintained despite the change of location?

The quality of the training courses is very important to us and we pay particular attention to the measures we take to ensure this. For example, all new instructors undergo training with us and are only qualified through subsequent observation of the course. Further regular observations on our part should ensure that these standards are maintained over time. In addition, all co-operation partners are supported and trained annually through didactic workshops with us.
Another measure to ensure a high-quality training program is the content and methods we have developed, which are used in a globally standardized way.

Ms Grunska, thank you very much for the interview!

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